DocsCompat modeConceptsJsValue


JsValue represent the JavaScript value in Rust.


Represent undefined in JavaScript. It can not be casted into Rust value, and no Rust value can be casted into JsUndefined.

The only way to create JsUndefined in Rust is calling Env::get_undefined().


Represent null in JavaScript. Like JsUndefined, it can not be casted to Rust value and no Rust value can be casted to it.

The only way to create JsNull in Rust is calling Env::get_null().


use std::convert::TryInto;
use napi::*;
fn fib(ctx: CallContext) -> Result<JsNumber> {
  let input_number: i64 = ctx.get::<JsNumber>(0)?.try_into()?;
fn fibonacci_native(n: i64) -> i64 {
  match n {
    1 | 2 => 1,
    _ => fibonacci_native(n - 1) + fibonacci_native(n - 2),


JsBoolean represent boolean value in JavaScript.

Use JsBoolean::get_value() to convert JsBoolean into Rust bool. And Env::get_boolean() to convert Rust bool into JsBoolean.

fn not(ctx: CallContext) -> Result<JsBoolean> {
  let condition: JsBoolean = ctx.get(0)?;
not(true) // false
not(false) // true


Represent string value in JavaScript. There 3 types of string encoding you can interactive with N-API: utf8, utf16 and latin1.

There is a article which may help you to understand encoding story in Node.js:

Using Env::create_string() you could create JsString from Rust &str. If you want get utf8 value from JsString, you must using the JsString::into_utf8() to get utf8 value explicit.

fn world(ctx: CallContext) -> Result<JsString> {
  // or into_utf16/into_latin1 here
  // if you want using into_latin1, you must enable `latin1` feature for `napi-rs`.
  let input_string = ctx.get::<JsString>(0)?.into_utf8()?;
  let output = format!("{} world!", input_string.as_str()?);
world('hello') // hello world!


Represents a Buffer value in Node.js. Passing data between JavaScript and Rust using JsBuffer has a small overhead so you might prefer it over other types.

For example, in some cases, converting a JavaScript string into a Buffer, pass it to Rust as a JsBuffer and cast it as a &[u8] is faster than passing the string directly to Rust. The string implementation in V8 is far more complicated than the ArrayBuffer one, which is what Buffer is implemented by.

fn set_buffer(ctx: CallContext) -> Result<JsUndefined> {
  let buf = &mut ctx.get::<JsBuffer>(0)?.into_value()?; // &mut [u8]
  buf[0] = 1;
  buf[1] = 2;
setBuffer(Buffer.from([0, 1])) // <Buffer 01 02>


Represent Symbol value in JavaScript. You can create JsSymbol from &str or JsString

// create from &str
fn create_symbol(ctx: CallContext) -> Result<JsSymbol> {
  let desc = ctx.get::<JsString>(0)?.into_utf8()?;
// create from JsString
fn create_symbol(ctx: CallContext) -> Result<JsSymbol> {
  let desc = ctx.get::<JsString>(0)?;


Represent Object value in JavaScript. There are many object related API’s in JsObject. See document.

fn set_bar(ctx: CallContext) -> Result<JsUndefined> {
  let mut obj = ctx.get::<JsObject>(0)?;
  let bar: JsString = obj.get_named_property("bar")?;
  let bar_str = bar.into_utf8()?;
  obj.set_named_property("bar", ctx.env.create_string_from_std(format!("{} bar", bar_str.as_str()?)))?;
setBar({ bar: 'bar' }) // { bar: "bar bar" }


Represent Date object in JavaScript. JavaScript Date objects are described in Section 20.3 of the ECMAScript Language Specification.


Represent Bigint value in JavaScript.


This API allocates a JavaScript value with external data attached to it. This is used to pass external data through JavaScript code, so it can be retrieved later by native code using Env::get_value_external.